Indiana Babies

had 2 month appt today!

It was Hailey's 2 month appt. and she got shots ugh.  It was so hard to watch and just terrible after we got home.  She was just screaming screaming screaming.  It's the fussiest she's ever been and let's just say it was no party.  Good notes were that she's almost a 10 pounder!  She weighed in at 9lbs15oz and measured at 22 inches.  She's gained 5 lbs. since she was born.  She was so fussy that I wasn't able to get her 2month picture today so I'll need to cheat and get it tomorrow :)

*Jenben, I looked and H weighed 7lbs10oz at her 1 month appt (it was a couple days after her actual one month I think) so it seems that Eli is right on schedule with her, and I think they were just about the same weight when they were born.  it seems normal to me!

Re: had 2 month appt today!

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