I don't want to offend anyone by posting on this board, but I have such a sweet story about adoption that I wanted to share. I originally posted this on 2nd tri, but someone suggested sharing it with this board.
My mom is a preschool teacher and was telling me about a conversation with one of her 4 year olds today. This girl has a twin brother and and older sister. The older sister is biological to the parents, and the twins were adopted at birth. The girl told my mom, "My sister was born from Mommy's belly, but me and my brother were born from Mommy's heart." I was in my car and nearly had to pull over, I was so choked up!
My mom told me that she shared this story with the little girl's mom when she picked her up. She (the mom) said that they have always told the little girl this, but that it was the first time she has said it to anybody else.
Re: Born from the heart