I'm mostly on the PL/MC board but my cousin in-law just had her daughter at 24 weeks she is doing good but we just wanted to know how soon were you able to bring your baby home?
My son was born at 28 weeks 3 days and spent 70 days in the NICU. The general rule of thumb is +/- 2 weeks from your due date. Tell your cousin to join the board, there are so many caring and supportive women here!
I had DS at 24 weeks (24w5d to be exact) and he was in the NICU for 116 days (almost 4 months). We brought him home 10 days after his original due date. He also had a relatively easy course compared to most 24 weekers. The hospital usually tells you not to plan for them to come home until "around" their due date so I would tell them to shoot for that. If they expect her to come home any earlier they'll just be disappointed.
Jacob 3.23.08 * Grace 7.22.09 * Eli 7.26.11 * Annabelle 1.18.14
my 26 weekers spent 88 and 80 days in the nicu. ?both were home before my due date. ?i'll keep your cousin-in-law in my prayers. also, i'll keep you and your angel in heaven in my prayers.?
My baby was born at 26 weeks, 1 day and was in the NICU for 12 weeks. He came home 2 weeks before his due date.
Conceived twins with IVF January 2008. Lost baby a at 20 1/2 weeks due to premature rupture of membranes and held onto baby b. Baby b (Brandon) born at 26 weeks and 1 day on July 5, 2008. Wesley born full term on June 29, 2011.
My blog http://karenandstu.blogspot.com
DD was a 28 weeker and spent 60 days in the NICU, this is a very welcoming and supportive board, you can tell her about it and hopefully she can visit when she's ready!
My gathering of info told me that most babies come home around 36 weeks gestational age. The doctors generally say around their due date, but as soon as they can eat and stay stable on their own in room temp, ususlaly they come home. . Mine came home on 36 weeks to the date so my research was pretty on target
My DS was born at 24w 4d and spent 102 days in the NICU. He came home 6 days before his due date but was readmitted twice so he spent a total of 116 days in the hospital. Best of luck to your cousin!
Re: Can you ladies help.....
IVF 1=BFP, beta #1 8dp5dt 24, beta #2 12dp5dt 50, beta #3 14dp5dt 88.9
Weishaars' World
My son was born at 28 weeks but was measuring like a 24 weeker. I agree w/pps... the baby's due date is usually the best bet.
good luck to you CIL & her little one!
Jacob 3.23.08 * Grace 7.22.09 * Eli 7.26.11 * Annabelle 1.18.14