Indiana Babies

Inside vs Outside

Shauna's post about movement made me think ... is your baby on the outside like they were on the inside?

Marion liked to lay in a froggy position in my belly and she still sleeps like that.  She also had "spazzs" that felt like seizures almost inside - periods of just super quick movement of her whole body - and she definitely had those when she was a newborn.  Now, she just moves all the time!

Re: Inside vs Outside

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    Andrew never stopped moving inside me, and he's a little squirmy butt now, so I think it's true! :-)
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    Yeah she has been a lot like what she was in the womb.  She always was really still at night when I'd lay down and go to bed with the lights off and every since day one, if it's pitch black in her room, she doesn't make any sounds and she's always gone right to bed.
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    That is so interesting!!
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    I'm hoping that more folks will answer this one tomorrow.  Look how many views it's had--everyone wants to know the answers!
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    I had never thought about it. But Shawn was super active at night or whenever I just settled down and relaxed. And yes, he would fight sleep in the evening.  Once he got to sleep, he was golden, but he sure didn't want to give up that fight. 

    In utero, he also stretched all the time! It seems as if he rarely just kind of floated around and randomly jabbed, it was always a full body stretch. I could feel him from one corner to the other. He was a stretcher as a baby when he slept, and still is. 

    Oh and he had hiccups several times a day in utero too.  He also had them quite frequently when he was a baby. 


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    this was true with Luke as well.  He was be in full kick for about fifteen minutes before he got still for a while. He still does this right before a nap.  He kicks his legs in the crib for about fifteen minutes then passes out. 

    He also hiccuped a lot, and as that as slowed down a lot over the past couple months, he had them a lot when he was first born.



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    SIL never felt kicks during her pregnancy - just massive stretching... Their LO is a serious stretcher now.
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