Baby Names

Middle name for Kate

Does anyone have ideas for middle names for Kate (not Katherine, just Kate :) Since it is one syllable, it seems to need a longer middle name, but I can't think of any that I am crazy about. Thanks!

Re: Middle name for Kate

  • I think it's easier to come up w/ suggestions when we have a little bit of an idea of your last name - like how many syllables, or what it rhymes with, etc, but I'll list some and you can decide how they sound w/ your LN. :)









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  • Kate Lynn.  I love that.
  • Loading the player...
  • Margaret, Maureen, Penelope, Therese, Patricia, Judith, Elizabeth, Josephine, Miriam, Louise, Adeline, Allison, Beatrix, Beatrice, Danielle, Eugenie, Frances, Imogene, Henrietta, Juliet, Lauren, Lorelei.
  • Kate Vivienne

    Kate Marielle

    Kate Louise

    Kate Josephine

    Kate Elisabeth

    Kate Nicolette

    Kate Alexandra

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  • No family names?  I'd try every family name first.  Depending on your last name I think the middle name shouldn't be longer than the first in terms of syllables.  Elle, Jo, hmmmm, that's all I can think of right now.
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  • imagejenbabe3:








    I think these are great suggestions?

    image DD and I. DD: 6/22/2008. DS: 6/22/2013
  • Kate Elaine, Kate Elena, Kate Beatrice, Kate Marisa. Definitely something with 2 or more syllables.
  • Kate Penelope.

    (I love Penelope. I think more people should use it! hehe)?

  • DD's name is Kate (just Kate, not Katherine or Kathleen).  Her middle name is Donnelly, which is my grandmother's maiden name.  Do you have a family name you could use?  I think Kate "goes" with lots of names.  Some I like:

    Kate Louise
    Kate Georgina
    Kate Margaret

  • imagewellfleet04:

    DD's name is Kate (just Kate, not Katherine or Kathleen).  Her middle name is Donnelly, which is my grandmother's maiden name.  Do you have a family name you could use?  I think Kate "goes" with lots of names.  Some I like:

    Kate Louise
    Kate Georgina
    Kate Margaret

    I agree... I think it would be great with a family name!

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