
wtf is with me and pigeons??

One just flew into the back of my head on my way back from Duane Reade. A few months ago, some guy kicked a pigeon into my face in a freak accident that would only happen to me. WTFf?!?! I hate pigeons. Birds in general. They're creepy. Pigeons more so.
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Re: wtf is with me and pigeons??

  • Both of those incidents would totally freak me out.  In my old house, a pigeon camped out on top of my porch light for weeks on end.  I couldn't get rid of the darn thing.  Every night, I'd slightly open the front door and use a squirt gun on it, but it always came back.  I hate birds!
  • Ew, pigeons are so nasty. Like rats with wings and beady eyes.  Our favorite playground is just teeming with them... it's a pigeon buffet of Cheerios and Pirate Booty, though, so I kind of can't blame them.
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