
grocery list help..

I am needing help with lunch ideas for ww.... suggestions?? Once I get going with it I think I am going to do left overs for lunch, but I am not a huge fan of left overs so I dont know how that will go over.. :) tia!

Re: grocery list help..

  • I just started back up again with WW. 

    For lunch, I eat PPJ sandwich, salad with chicken strips or tuna, chicken salad (with mayo), egg salad, egg white omelet with ham

    Or soup, we eat a lot of soup with a roll or crackers. Vegetable soup, beef barley, minestrone, pasta fagioli. I made  a lot of it and freeze it into individual portions.

    I saw your post below, but just got a chance to answer. Some good snacks are nuts, peanut butter crackers, bananas, smoothie

    You said you didn't officially join?  I don't officially join either, I just use an excel spreadsheet.  How did you figure your points?  I wonder if mine have changed since I am down about 15lbs since I started.  Thanks

    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
  • 1. your weight- take the first two numbers - (187 = 18)
    2. gender - female, add 2, male, add 8...(18 + 2)
    3. age: 17-26...4, 27-37...3, 38-47...2, 48-58...1, over 58...0  age 37=2...(18+2+2)
    4. height: <5'1"...0, 5'1"- 5'10"...1,over 5'10"...2   your 5'6"=1...(18+2+2+1)
    5. activity: do you spend most of your day...sitting down (office worker)...0, occasional sitting but mainly standing ( sales person)...1, walking most of the time ( postal carrier)...4, doing physically hard work  all day ( contruction worker)...6
    you work in retail = 1...(18+2+2+1+1) 
    6. nursing mother - solely breastfeeding...10, supplementing breast with bottle...5,
    if not either...0     not breastfeeding = 0.....18+2+2+1+1+0 = 24 points per day.points do not go lower than 18 or higher than 44. Plus you can use 35 extra points per week for specialoccasions like b'days, parties,pizza night etc. You can use it all at one time or divide them up daily or not use them at all.Hope this helps you.
    This is what I found that I am going by.. I think I am going to do this for a month or 2 and see if it works for me if not I will join.. 
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  • I eat a Lean Cuisine (WW points are on the side of the package) and a piece of fruit, or some carrots, celery sticks, cucumber slices.  I usually bring the same thing every day (creature of habit).  A mixture of non-fat yogurt, 60 calorie sugar-free pudding snack, string cheese, handful of pretzels. Something like that as a snack. 
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