Much of the morning went like this - 'Riley do you want more orange juice'? She said no. Then a few minutes later decides yes, and throws a fit because I don't move fast enough.
5 minutes later, 'I don't want to eat the broken kiwi, I don't want more kiwi.' Then a few minutes later throws a fit because she wants more kiwi.
'Riley put your glasses on'. She didn't want them on when we were leaving the house, so I put them in my pocket. She started screaming that she wanted her glasses on but of course now I'm driving and can't get them to her. The entire ride to DC she threw a fit about her glasses. I wasn't going to stop to put them on though.
Do your DCs change their minds alot? I don't mind it except the fits that go with it? Am I even explaining myself clearly???
Re: The 'changed my mind' syndrome
LOL, then maybe its the age. It must be a game to them... but it drives me crazy most days.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
My DS does this exact same thing. I've tried to figure out what "something else" means, but I don't think he even knows.