I finally took DS to daycare today only to find out that they'd had NINE kids with pink eye last week. Well, that would certainly explain why his eyes were all mucousy yesterday. It would have been nice if someone had told me about this sooner.
So I decided not to leave DS at daycare since he may have pink eye already (although his eyes look fine today). Took him to the pedi for a walk-in appt. His eyes are okay and he can go back to daycare tomorrow if they stay not runny and not red. Great!
Go outside, start driving, and realize I have a $50 parking ticket. I was so worried about DS's eyes that I didn't notice I had parked in a section reserved for permits. Aaaargh.
Give DS lunch. Still distracted, now by the fact that I got a ticket and don't know how we're going to pay for it. Give him some freeze-dried strawberries for dessert in the bag. Don't think about it until he dumps them all over the table. Yeah, the exact same thing happened last time I kept him home with me, just with Cheerios. My brain needs to start working properly.
And he's testing me every. fricking. moment of the day. I've so had it.
So pass the alcohol my way. I need it.
Re: Someone pass me a drink. Or two.
When it rains, it pours, somedays! I hope your day gets better, L!
:::hugs::: and a shot (or two!) of the strong liquor of your choice.
I'm already a basket case. My essential tremor is acting up, so my head is shaking so badly I can feel it. Great.
It was a city ticket. I don't think I can get out of paying it unless I want a boot on my car. The good news is I should have some time to come up with the money.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
Ugh, great ::passes Femme a double::
I"m pretty suer they're supposed to notify parents when things like pink eye are going around, right?? ?
Gracie is keeping me busy today too. What is it with these kids?!
bah. Our city tickets double after 10 days- I had a 50 dollar ticket for having one tire on the CURB in front of my house. (because i got it the day before I went into labor and forgot about it for 12 days...it was originally 25 bucks.)
I sent a check for 25, no WAY am I paying 50 dollars for having a tire on the curb when my neighbor has had a boat parked in the same spot for 3 years!!!
They probably are. Apparently some other parents knew because they took their kids in to the pedi to make sure they were okay, only to find out they had pink eye, too (with no symptoms).
But my daycare kinda sucks, honestly. The teachers are GREAT but the director is a lazy waste of space. I left two messages for her on her voicemail earlier today tell her what was going on. She never heard them. If she had she maybe could have told me then about the pink eye outbreak so I wouldn't have wasted my time trying to bring DS in today.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
How did they just forget to tell you at daycare? The moment one kid gets sick, ours posts a sign that says what it is (pink eye, hand foot and mouth, etc) and to contact the director with questions. Sounds like your daycare needs a similar system.
The testing gets so old. I have had enough of repeating things over and over and over again. At least the strawberries and cheerios are easy to clean. DD has decided that it's fun to "paint" the table with her yogurt. Lovely.
What's your drink of choice? I have a bottle of wine that I've been dying to open. I'm hoping I can stay up late enough tonight to have a glass. Do you want me to open it for you now?
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
DS does this too! Drives me crazy. And then he gets upset when I make him stop: "Mommy, I was PAINTING!!!!!"