
Bare Minerals/Raw Naturals

Hi everyone, 
I posted this on the beauty board but haven't had any I'd thought I check with my ladies on the good ole Pareting board!!  :-)   

Has anyone ever used these products?  I am looking into trying a power/mineral based foundation and I am curious to know peoples opinions.  I have read all the reviews on these products, however, I don't believe I would read/hear anything negative or constructive about them if they are trying to sell it.  KWIM?  
So if anyone has anything they can tell me about either product I would GREATLY appreciate it. 

TIA =) 

Re: Bare Minerals/Raw Naturals

  • Beautiful sig pic... I have used Bare Minerals for years and I love it. It can be kind of pricey, but it lasts a long time.

     Never tried Raw Naturals though. 

  • I have been using Bare Minerals for the past couple years and LOVE Love it! ?I never wore much makeup and it doesn't feel like I'm wearing any when I put it on. ?Try the starter kit... you can get all the brushes and such with it. ?

    I've never heard of Raw Naturals..?

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  • I've used bare minerals for a couple of years and I really like it.  It's the only make up I'll use anymore.  It's a little pricey but it really lasts a long time. 

     I've never heard of Raw Naturals so I can't comment on it.

  • I've been using Bare Escentuals/Minerals since DS was born. I've never really worn much make-up, especially a foundation. My skin has always been oily with drying due to prescription acne meds. It not only evens out your skin, it can conceal and eventually prevent acne. W/ DS, my skin was way out of control. I'm using the same acne product with this pg, but I'm using bare minerals daily, too, and there are very few pimples on my face. Those that are there are easily coverable. I LOVE the products. They do rub off, though, like most foundations. The powder ends up creamy when it's on...something about the minerals, so it's not a true power.
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  • I've used Bare Minerals for the past 2 years and I love it. I developed rosacea during pregnancy, and thought it was acne. I got medicine from the dermatologist but nothing would really cover the redness, until I used BM. It hardly feels like you have makeup on, and it's really improved the condition of my skin. I now hardly ever have to use my rosacea medicine. I even will fall asleep w/out washing my face and don't get horrible breakouts like I would from other makeup. It's great stuff. I've recommended it to some of my friends and they love it too.
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