
How much do you have to dislike someone before you just don't notice they exist?

Me, I strongly dislike 2 people I can think of, ever in RL, and 2 online.

But the online ones are like a trainwreck, I can't look away. The RL ones I have long since ignored.

Apart from them I haven't really had strong negative feelings about anyone really. Not liked perhaps, not much more than that.?

Re: How much do you have to dislike someone before you just don't notice they exist?

  • Well, you got me at the "2 online"

    Who might they be? Inquiring (read:nosey) minds must know.

  • I don't name names. I don't even think they would know who they were. But obviously speculation is free and unstoppable.
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  • yes yes you need to spill 2 names lol
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  • don't worry kevs. We've insulted each other before this but you are not even close to being 1 of them. :-)
  • I'm sure I'm one!
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  • I would guess FFM is one of them from the way I've seen you two go at each other. But I really don't pay that much attention normally so I could be wrong.

    As for your question, though, I think actually disliking someone makes it hard to not notice they exist. It's not a passive thing, KWIM? I don't really dislike anyone all that strongly, but I do have some people who annoy me and I can't help but notice them. LOL.

    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • imagemarrymemylove:
    don't worry kevs. We've insulted each other before this but you are not even close to being 1 of them. :-)


    ahhh I think we are growing on eachother lol

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  • Not to be overly mean but a lot of the time I log off (obviously not everytime) when I see you here.I log off because I am not good at ignoring someone. Sometimes you seem to have a normal reply but a lot of the time you kind of talk out of your butt about stuff you can't possibly know about. Sorry.Sad
  • That's ok grace I think you talk out of your butt too. But I don't log off because of anyone. On principle. And I guess that's the difference. I do mentally log off from people IRL. Says a lot about the non-threatening nature of online forums.
  • Hey, if you agreed with my logic I'd be scared! Stick out tongue

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