Baby Names

Me Again..

DH just told me he likes the name Sebastian..I dont hate the name, i actually think its really cute.(And i always think of the little red singing crab on little mermaid) But for our son?

Sebastian Melendez, they just dont go together? am i right?

Is there a NN for Sebastian?

Ty again!

Re: Me Again..

  • One of my most favorite students ever was named Sebastian. He was super cute.?
    DD 2.9.10 DS born sleeping 12.2.12
  • But he didn't have a nn. He was Sebastian.
    DD 2.9.10 DS born sleeping 12.2.12
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  • I've heard of someone suggesting Sebi as a nn for Sebastian, but I am stuck on the singing crab. I loved that movie!
                                     **DS 12/17/10** **#2 Due 2/14/15**

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • imagemaltwin1:
    I've heard of someone suggesting Sebi as a nn for Sebastian, but I am stuck on the singing crab. I loved that movie!

    haha glad to know im not the only one. When i told DH that i thought of that he goes "Well atleast he wasnt a Jerk" haha

  • I don't think Sebastian Melendez sounds bad.  I knew a kid named Sebastian who went by Seb/Zeb.  Zeb Melendez sounds cool!
    natural m/c 6-1-09 @9 weeks, Lucy born 5-11-10, m/c (D&C)1-24-12 @10 weeks Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I like Sebastian and it sounds fine with Melendez. I would just call him Sebastian.
    with two cats
  • I have a friend that goes by Sebby.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • Music "Da seaweed is always greenah in somebody else's lake..."
  • I like Sebastian.  I haven't heard of a NN.
    TTC #1 for over 5 years - too many to count IF treatments (tried everything and anything), repeat miscarriages. Finally, Sticky Success!! B/G Twins arrived 2011. VOTE on my Name List Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageLoriFalce:
    Music "Da seaweed is always greenah in somebody else's lake..."

    haha im laughing outloud right now!

  • DH's best friend is Sebastian.  He usually gets Seabass as a nickname.  I know another Sebastian who goes by Seba (pronounced like seh-buh).  It's really high on our favorites list.  I think Sebastian Melendez sounds fine (DH's friend is half-Italian and half-Mexican, for what it's worth).
  • I like Sebastian. But to be honest now I can't get that damn "under the sea" song out of my head!
  • Sebastian was on our list of boy names, but the more we thought about it the more we didn't like it. I think it's a name you have to like from the start. Sebastian Melendez sounds really great; it has a nice ring to it. Like PP said, for the NN i would go with Seb. Good luck :)
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