
H's favorite thing about the new house?

Our next door neighbor is one of the assistant football coaches at the school we graduated from.  He met his wife yesterday, I was getting some stuff out of storage at the time.  He called me squealing like a little girl to tell me. 

This neighborhood?  Toddler heaven.  There are three next door (5, 3, and 2) and a 2.5 year old across the street.  LOVE this place.

Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.

Re: H's favorite thing about the new house?

  • Sounds like you picked the perfect place. I wish we loved our neighborhood.

    how did Will do with his first night?

    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • It sounds awesome. And I wish you had a recording of your H squealing like a little girl.
    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • Loading the player...
  • I was thinking "No bacon?"...then again, that would be your favorite thing.

    Sounds like lots of fun in store for you all.

  • Sounds ideal!!  I hope our new house is like that - with the kids not necessarily the football coach.  Smile  I'd love for my girls to grow up with kids in the neighborhood.
  • imageRebekah1021:

    Sounds like you picked the perfect place. I wish we loved our neighborhood.

    how did Will do with his first night?

    This is his first night.  He spent last night with the ILs.  So far, so good.  He went right to sleep.

    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

    You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
  • I love my child filled hood.  I grew up in a neighborhood with only 2 kids to play with.  I love that DD has so many choices for playmates within 6 year old walking distance.  There are 6 girls within 6 month of her age within 2 blocks of us and even more boys and other kids who are a bit older or younger. 
  • That's nice that their are other kids Will's age in your neighborhood! How wonderful!
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