
Getting stains out of white clothes?

All of DD's white shirts have chocolate milk and other assorted stains on them, which didn't come out with OxyClean or Shout when we first washed them, so now the stains are set. 

Soaking them in bleach just made the shirts yellowish instead of whiter.

Anything else I can do besides throw them away (and quit buying white shirts for a toddler)?

Re: Getting stains out of white clothes?

  • We have the same problem, but no solution either.  I'm thinking no white shirts is the way to go. 


  • my sister swears by the clorox bleach pen.  i bouht it and haven't used it yet, b/c I keep meaning to ask her...

    it says to use it and then wash with white or mostly white load.  I don't have "mostly white" loads.  I throw whites in w/ my "lights".

    I have lights, darks, towells, jeans, and DD's things that I wash on gentle.  I wonder if I cann throw it in with the "lights" and it not come off of the treated shirt onto other stuff in there.  I'm probably being ridiculous.

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  • I don't know if it will work once the clothes have been bleached, but I always wash stuff with baking soda and then dry it in the sun. That seems to get out almost every stain we come across!
  • I have had success with the OxyClean on multiple washings.  I've washed/dried a shirt before realizing the stain is still there, and this process has still worked.  One time, I sprayed OxyClean on the shirt and it didn't get into the next load, so it sat w/the OxyClean on it.  Several hours later it got washed and a lot of the stain came out.  I think letting it sit awhile helped.  It's a pain to wash and rewash the same item repeatedly, but it's worth it to have the shirt still be wearable!  The worst was a white shirt that had spaghetti sauce all over it.  It took 4 washings (the first washing was a full wash and drying in the dryer before I realized it was still horribly stained), but the Oxy Clean finally did it!  You can't even tell now that it was so bad.

    Also, the clorox pen is great.  I have used that on items in 'light' (meaning, not all white) loads and haven't had problems w/the bleach leaching onto the other clothes.

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  • I've had good luck with soaking clothes overnight in a solution of the powdered OxyClean mixed with water.  The powder seems to work better than the liquid for some reason.

  • Have you tried the Zout or Resolve Gel stain remover? Those work for me on most everything. I had a chocolate milk stain on the white color of one of DS's shirt that had been set in and I sprayed it with the Zout (The red bottle) and let it sit for about 40 mins and washed again and it all came out.
  • My friend recommended this detergent called biz bleach.  It is a powder.  if the kids get a stain I soak the outfit with some biz and hot water overnight before I was it.  It can also be made into a paste for bad stains.  target sells it.
  • imageBrainySmurfette:

    I've had good luck with soaking clothes overnight in a solution of the powdered OxyClean mixed with water.  The powder seems to work better than the liquid for some reason.


    I got 50 year old food stains out of a lace tablecloth from my grandfather. If it took those out, it will get almost anything. But it has to be the powder and overnight.

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

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