Just found out yesterday that we are having twins. Very exciting! MS last Aug. I knew I was feeling more severe pg symptons this time. When did you all start showing and have to start wearing maturnity clothes?
I started feeling uncomfortable in my pants around 8 or 9 weeks - so I broke out some of the early maternity clothes then. I was visibly pregnant around 12 weeks or so - also my second pregnancy.
congrats and welcome to the board! ?i was in maternity clothes by 15 weeks (and could have been earlier). ?i'm 5'3" and started my PG at 100 lbs; i gained 35 and had 26 weekers.
It's official, I have now grown out of my pants and I am moving into maternity clothes. Some maternity clothes are still to big but I've found some cute pants that fit ok. I'm 10 weeks and this is my 2nd pg.
I have to say that I'm about a week away from not being able to close my pants comfortably. I think I'm going to buy the bella band so I can wear my pants for as long as possible. My shirts aren't too long though, so I'm going to have to break down and buy some shirts just to be able to hide the bella band.
i started to wear mat pants almost immediately b/c of bad bloat- and it's my 2nd child so my belly was all stretched out fast
it was obvious i was pg by around 12-15w.