
Calling Carseat experts...

I don't remember which nesties are our resident carseat experts...but I need to get another car seat and wanted links for websites that have the most current reviews.  I have an Evenflo Triumph in my DH's car that only goes up to 40lbs....DS is almost there so I need something for DH's car.  I have a Britax Marathon in my car.  Any recommendations on the newest/safest car seats?  Which websites compare safety reviews?  Thanks!

Re: Calling Carseat experts...

  • If he's forward facing already, I'd go with the Graco Nautilus.  It's the 3 in 1 seat that everyone here has recommended.  We're very happy with ours.
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • I second the Graco Nautilus.  It's not without its faults, but at half the price of the Britax Frontier it's well worth it.  It converts to a high-back booster and then to a backless booster for up to 100 lbs, and I got two at Wal-Mart for $125 apiece.
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  • I agree if he is forward facing then the Graco Nautilus is the way to go. They have gone up a bit in price though. I think they are now $140 at Walmart online, and a bit more in the stores.
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