2nd Trimester

ughh. stupid sister. -vent-

My sister calls and wants to know if I will keep her 5 year old daughter from May 8th- May 14th while her and her husband go down to the beach for bike week. She said she would pay me to keep her and i'd have to take her back and forth to school everyday and then on wednesday take her to her grandmas church and pick her back up.. she can't just go with me and my mom to mine. Usually I wouldn't really have a problem with this but I will be late 8 early 9 months pregnant during the time frame she will be gone and I feel like it's pretty selfish of her to ask me of all people to keep her. On top of that.. she has had 2 kids and knows what its like to be that far along in pregnancy and I know what her answer would be if it was me asking her to do something like this. The sad part is that my niece's dad is not my sisters husband and I don't understand why he can't keep her.. it's his child! What if something was to happen to me and i'd need to go to the hospital.. I can't just bring a 5 year old with me.. I would have no idea what to do and I shouldn't have to stress about that. I really hate to tell her no because the extra money around that time would be more than helpful but at the same time I really hate to tell her yes. I told her I would have to think about it and see how things play out between now and April atleast before I gave her an answer and she said "well I need to know before April so that we can make our reservations".. that pissed me off even more because her MIL has a house down at the beach that is available for the week and told my sister they could use it but my sister doesn't want to because it's not directly on the beach, she'd rather make reservations and stay somewhere else. ughh. She ruined my Saturday.. i'm not even going to mention this to my FI because I know he will go off!

 ughhh! vent over.

edit: let me add this since a lot are asking..

I forgot to mention this... the 2yr old[my nephew] is going to stay with the babysitter but she doesn't want both of them staying there because it would be to hard on her. She's really selfish.. she could careless if my niece is bored out of her mind for the week and the reason she doesn't want Kaydence's dad to keep her is because they are fighting over custody and childsupport and she said it will make her look like she neglected her daughter.

Re: ughh. stupid sister. -vent-

  • That's a lot to ask of someone and she would know better having 2 kids of her own. I would be tempted to say no but I can't say no to anything so I would probably suck it up for the week and do it. On the bright side it will be great bonding time with your niece.
  • imageHotDish!:
    That's a lot to ask of someone and she would know better having 2 kids of her own. I would be tempted to say no but I can't say no to anything so I would probably suck it up for the week and do it. On the bright side it will be great bonding time with your niece.

    Thats really why its hard for me to say no because me and my niece are so close! We have so much fun together but i'm worried that i'm going to be miserable that far along and it won't be fun for her at all and I don't want her to be around me when i'm like that. She will feel like a burden and it's not fair to her. I can't believe that my sister had the nerve to ask me.. she said she was going to ask if i'd keep my 2yr old nephew but she knew i'd say no then.. i'm like ughh!

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  • I would explain to her that you would be further along then you are now and the timing probably isn't the best.  See if possibly you could split the time with the real father of the child.  There could be a scheduling conflict and that's why he's not taking her.  You might not be feeling up to running around after a 5 year old that late in your pregnancy anyways, therefore, the child might not have such a great time while mommy and daddy are away.  I'm sure your sister doesn't want her daughter to be bored and stuck with not much to do if you are not feeling well by chance...

    Just be sure that you take care of yourself and don't feel pressured to do anything that you don't feel safe doing.   

  • I can sympathisize with you on the pain in the butt sister issue. My sister's son is almost 8 and Ive helped A LOT raising him considering she was a teen mom, he had lots of med issues, and his dad is pretty useless. She doesn't have  a car, which I get cuz that costs money, but she gets cranky when I'm less than thrilled to bend my schedule so she can borrow my car for work or etc. And oh, when my mom suggested that she help foot the bill for my new fuel pump she flipped saying it wasnt her car and she shouldnt have to pay for it, Sigh. Guess the stress makes us stronger...If you honestly dont feel up to taking her daughter, tell her. Somehow us sisters always end up making up. Good luck!
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  • i agree that seems like alot to ask someone who is going to be getting down to the last part of their first child. I wouldnt put that kind of stress on yourself. it sounds like she has other options
  • imagehijoi:
    Where is your sis taking the 2 year old, and why can't your neice go there, too?  She is the one being a doofus, if she can't see how much that would be for you, and is giving up a house to stay in just because it's not on the beach.  That would still be there in April when you let her know. 

    I added this to my original post. I left out some things.

  • Has she even thought about the fact that you could be going in to labor then?  Babysitting is not something you should have to worry about in case that happens.
  • If you don't want to do it, then tell her you can't.
  • if you dont want to do it dont!!!!  I dont think it is to much to ask!  You always can say no. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • if you dont want to do it dont!!!!  I dont think it is to much to ask!  You always can say no.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • if you dont want to do it dont!!!!  I dont think it is to much to ask!  You always can say no.  She
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • if you dont want to do it dont!!!!  I dont think it is to much to ask!  You always can say no.  She is
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • if you dont want to do it dont!!!!  I dont think it is to much to ask!  You always can say no.  She is 5
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • if you dont want to do it dont!!!!  I dont think it is to much to ask!  You always can say no.  She is 5 not
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • if you dont want to do it dont!!!!  I dont think it is to much to ask!  You always can say no.  She is 5 not 5
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • if you dont want to do it dont!!!!  I dont think it is to much to ask!  You always can say no.  She is 5 not 5 months
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • if you dont want to do it dont!!!!  I dont think it is to much to ask!  You always can say no.  She is 5 not 5 months I
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagehijoi:
    After reading your edit, I am pissed for you.  It would be too much for the babysitter???  What??  I would tell her no.  It is obvious that you love your neice and want to spend time with her, but it sounds like (money or not) your sister is using you to make her look better in the custody battle.

    I agree! I'm sure she doesn't get to see her dad much and both would probably enjoy the time together!

  • I agree, if you don't want to, don't. Is she always a mooch? It doesn't seem like a lot to ask.  The night I went to labor I had been outside playing kickball with a client earlier in the day- you really aren't disabled.  Have you had complications thus far? 

    I am clingy and don't leave DD yet except for an occasional Dr. appt., but I would hope my family would not be annoyed if I asked them to watch her- particularly if it's the first time ever. Just another perspective.

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