
Did anyone have cervical gel used as a form of induction? How did it go?

My MW is going to induce me Monday using gel...With DS I had pitocin. I'm wondering what your experience with cervical gel was? What does it do? I'm 2 cen. dilated and 50% effaced now...

Re: Did anyone have cervical gel used as a form of induction? How did it go?

  • I was admitted the night before my induction for Cervadil.  It immediately made my contractions stronger and closer together.  They ended up taking it out because they didn't want me to deliver that night.  Since my cervix was already ripe, the never ended up putting Cervadil back in the next morning.  They came in and started pit and broke my water first thing the next morning instead.  I had DS later than afternoon.
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  • I had cervadil with Alex - but that was after being on pitocin for 8 hours.   The cervadil made my contractions too intense but did not progress my dilation/effacement.

    I was induced with the gel with Taylor.  I progressed much faster.  Chaulk it up to the 2nd child - or the gel.

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  • They used Cervadil on me, too. The did that the night before I was going to be induced. The plan was to start pitocin at 7:30a.m., but but 7a.m., I was already in labor on my own. My daughter was born 2 hours later! Whew.
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