Just a little PSA for you. If you like cruisers or baby dry, try Luvs. They are so much cheaper and work just as well. I actually like them better. An added bonus is that they are all white!
I'm so excited to buy cheaper diapers.... especially with #2 almost here!
Re: I love Luvs diapers
On the up side, if you do try them and they don't work they will give you a check to reimburse you for them.
So, we got our money back.
I wish I could use them. They give Law a rash. I don't even dare try them with AJ because his skin is even more sensitive.
I do like Target brand and they're even cheaper! They're more similar to Huggies.
That stinks about the rashes. We've never had problems with diapers giving L rashes (knock on wood.) Pampers have always been great for her. The same company that makes pampers, makes Luvs.
That's awesome that they gave you your money back!