My mom did a pretty good job of keeping her mouth shut when L was a baby. Very few bits of unsolicited adgice were doled out.
So WHY does she feel the need to frown upon our parenting choices this time??
::gasp:: "He STILL sleeps with you?? How can you expect him to ever sleep alone??"
"And Mike's okay with him being in your bed?"
"Do you hold him ALL day?"
"You're BFing? Didn't the doctor tell you not to???"
Re: Hey, mom. STFU.
Sounds annoying. My mom does stuff like that sometimes and I have to put her in her place...not in a rude way, but direct so she gets that I have had enough. My MIL on the other hand is constantly saying stuff and doesn't get when to stop.
He has MSPI and his pedi wanted me to stop nursing for two weeks to "cleanse" my system. The formula made him sicker, so I just decided to keep on BFing even though the pedi wanted me to quit again so that we'd be able to discern whether his upset tummy symptoms were caused by my milk or the Rotavirus vaccine. He never even had tummy issues after the vax, so I'm glad I didn't stop.