
After you give birth, don't you feel really skinny?

I'm going through pics of when Madelyn was born and it's funny how after I gave birth, I thought I was so skinny.  But now when I look at them, I was so much fatter than what I remember!  lol.

Am I the only one who thought they were skinnier, or did you think that too?

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Re: After you give birth, don't you feel really skinny?

  • yep and made the mistake as soon as I got home of trying on a pair of jeans.....that brought me right back to reality.

    But those first 3 days, I was in love with my post pregnancy skinny-ness.

  • Not at all - I think it was because instead of a tight tummy (albeit large) I had massive amounts of flab!
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  • imageDandR:

    yep and made the mistake as soon as I got home of trying on a pair of jeans.....that brought me right back to reality.

    But those first 3 days, I was in love with my post pregnancy skinny-ness.

    *sigh*  Ditto this exactly.

    DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12
  • I definitely felt lighter!!  It was such a relief to not have that round hard belly anymore....but I was not skinny by any definition, the jello belly took over :) 

    Jack 3.5.07 / Ethan 9.17.08 / Lauren 4.3.11 image
  • Yes! I lost 30 pounds in a week and it was awesome. Then came the hard part of losing the last 10 pounds......
  • Not at all!  My stomach was still so swollen, I felt disgusting.  I looked at least 4-5 mos PG up until 3 weeks PP, too. 
  • imageDandR:

    yep and made the mistake as soon as I got home of trying on a pair of jeans.....that brought me right back to reality.


    Ditto....the first time.  I didn't try it the second time....I knew better! Stick out tongue

  • Not even a little bit!  In fact I felt fatter!  At least when I was pregnant there was a reason I looked pregnant.  After DS I still looked 6 months pregnant and didn't even try to put on any of my old clothes.  I wore maternity clothes until the belly went down.  It was awful. 

    I think it was Kertybird that was in her old pants the week after she gave birth to Elle...that b!tch!

    Liam is 5!
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  • Yeah, I wouldn't use the word skinny.  My stomach was smaller, yet jiggly.  Ick.
  • No, I still felt pretty gross.
    DD 7.28.06 * DS 3.29.10

    Christmas 2011
  • well honestly, yes.  I thought I was all that with my skinny self and I fit in my jeans as soon as I got home.  I was so proud of myself!  What I didn't realize was that my belly was SO loose and jelly-like that I could lift up my stomach, zip my pants and I was good to go. Now jump to a week or two later and the stomach started going more normal and then it wouldn't lift up, lol so no jeans then... I'm happy to say that 3 years later though I can really wear them now and my stomach looks better.  I never thought I'd say that because that loose belly>NO ONE WARNED ME ABOUT
  • Hell no! I don't know if it was a reaction to the epi or what, but I blew up like a balloon!  I had no swelling before and after, my ankles looked like there were going to explode, not to mention the rest of me!
  • I certainly felt much lighter! LOL!

    I actually wore a pair of pre-pg (albeit 'fat') jeans 13 days PP.

  • I remember being really excited to be able to see my feet again!  But I knew that I had a ways to go, especially after seeing the pics!
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  • Nope.  I had c-sections for both and felt like a giant bloated whale.  I was pumped full of so much IV fluid and then had swelling on top of that.  I weighed more leaving the hospital than when I went in. Now, two weeks later - I felt pretty damn good.
  • less "full", but skinny?  HARDLY!  My stomach STILL is f-ed up - 3 years later.  I had a c-section and had gas trapped in my stomach, so I still looked 9 months pregnant for several days after delivery.  By 2 weeks, it had shrunken to @5 months pregnant.  I also have that AWESOME ab seperation thing and no matter how many sit ups I do, I am headed for a tummy tuck at some point.

    My body HATES pregnancy ;P  I honestly wore maternity pants for more than a year because I couldn't bear to buy bigger pants just to accomodate my gut.  I have since dropped 15 lbs and can wear low rise pants and my tummy looks a little better, but I still have to hide its roundness and raisin-ness as best as I can.

    I don't even want to THINK how awful my body is going to look after #2!

  • Now that you mention it, I guess I did. But I was so not.

  • Um, no.  I felt lighter -- and I could breathe -- but I certainly didn't feel skinny.

    My belly is flabtastic.  After #1 it was pretty nasty and now it's REALLY nasty.  Even at a pound lighter than my pre-pregnancy weight, it's still jiggly as hell.  I'm hoping doing 30DS regularly will help tighten everything up.  Because even though I've been able to wear my pre-pregnancy pants for about a month, there's nothing pretty about the several inches of flab that hang over the waistbands.

  • I felt lighter and it was SO much easier to move. However I still felt like a big ol blob. My boobs and stomach grossed me out. I too was one that tried on my old jeans. Yeah, that was not going to happen!?

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  • I didn't feel skinny, just lighter and I could breathe again. I did put on a pair of pre-pg jeans a week later though and they fit! I couldn't believe it.


  • After DS I was skinny again.  LOL.  I wore my pre-pg pants the day I came home from the hospital.  After DD, not so much, I didn't feel skinny and I wasn't skinny.
  • Not at all.  I felt huge after I delivered, and I was still huge.  I had brought maternity pants with me that I was only able to wear up to about 7 months, and they still didn't fit me when I left the hospital.
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  • For about 10 minutes and then I realized that my jelly belly looked nasty in my shirt.  I hate the giggly fat you have for the first 6 weeks or so. 
  • No. I swelled up the day after I give birth (I didn't swell during pregnancy). I felt huge when I left the hospital...
  • Heck NO!  I gained 60 lbs. with each pregnancy and the only thing I lost after giving birth was the weight of the baby.  I was FAT.  I didn't feel skinny until months later when I finally lost the weight.  LOL
  • ah no, I felt like I had jello tummy, granted much smaller than it was when I went in.  Actually come to think of it I have never seen anyone look good right after they give birth, maybe a couple weeks after but not right after.
  • Um no.  I knew I was huge with or without a baby inside of me. 
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