I worked this morning and the boys went to my mom's. When I'm home, Andersen eats on demand -- usually every 2-3 hours and typically only one side. I usually pump aout 4oz from each side, so I sent 4oz bottles. He ate twice -- at 8:30 and 11:45. When I got him home (1ish), he wanted to nurse. He ended up wanting both sides. He nursed longer than usual and seems content now.
Law used to want to nurse right away -- even if he'd just eaten -- when I'd been away from him for awhile. It seemed like he wanted the comfort/closeness associated with BFing -- like he missed me.
Do you think it sounds like that's all Andersen wanted or should I be sending bigger bottles?
Re: Do you think he's hungry or comfort feeding?
is he fussy or is the daycare lady saying he gulps the milk down fast and seems to still be hungry? I don't know..I'm sure its mostly comfort feeding??? I'd ask the caregiver how he acts and if she thinks he needs more milk there??? I'd hate to send more and then have it dumped....but i'd hate that he is hungry too....