
need double stroller recs....

I need to get one...I think I like the side-by-side better, but I'm not sure....any recs?

Re: need double stroller recs....

  • I love my BumbleRide if you can swing the money.
    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
  • Here is my long rambling stroller analysis...

    I would only get a bob if you are a big runner, then I would also consider the chariot, which can be used for running and other sports, has integrated sun/rain/wind sheilds, and a lower center of gravity and has a real running attachement or strolling attachments. 

    If you are not a big runner, just a loping, shorter mile jogger or avid walker I would read the following.  I wrote this for my friends a few weeks ago, so some of the links may be a bit out of date.  


    My recs for you to look at are as follows

    All of these recs have the following:  Full Recline, less than 29.5
    inches for easy door clearance, decent baskets, easy to push,
    adjustable handles, and larger locking swivel wheels.

    1.  Baby Jogger City Classic or Elite, Classic is lighter, Elite has a
    few more features.  Both can be had for between $400 and $450, since
    the 2008 models are on Clearance now.  This is also the stroller with
    the tallest seat back (for taller kids) and probably the easiest and best fold.
    2.  Bumbleride indie twin - This looks fluffy, but it isn't, it is a
    tough stroller.  It is more than the baby jogger at around $590 and
    probably not worth the difference, since the baby jogger is on
    clearance and the bumble is not.
    3.  Mountain Buggy Urban -  If I could only have one double, this is
    the one I would want.  It is the narrowest at 29", it is super sturdy
    (my single has over 2000 miles on it.).  It's one down fall is that is
    doesn't fold in 1/2 again, like the Bumble and the Baby Jogger.  I
    have never had a problem with that in my little wagon with my single,
    so it might not be a problem in your car.  It is pricey, the cheapest
    one I have seen lately is $599,and at the moment, $699 seems to being
    the cheapest.
    4.  Another I have seen great deals on lately a few times is the Easy
    Walker Duo Walker.  It is the lightest of the lot, Jackie has one in a
    sort of neon yellow, if you have seen it at the park.  I have seen it
    in the high $300's at various points, though it is now $599 most
    places.  It is very similar to the mountain buggy, but does fold in
    half again.

    For the moment, with the way the pricing is, I think of the side by
    side walking strollers, The baby jogger city classic is the best deal.
     Albee baby, which I have ordered 2 strollers from before has it for

    Honestly, I don't think the phil and ted would be a good choice for
    you.  It is not a great walking stroller (more than 2 or 3 miles), especially with heavier kids, and I think your tall DD would be awkward in the initial double
    position, which even with my tiny dd lT seems a little top heavy.  It
    might be ok in the older toddler in the front and the baby in the
    back, but again, not so easy to push compared to a side by side.  It
    would be nice for doctors offices, but I think you might be better to
    get two strollers rather than just the phil and ted.

    There are sit and stands that I think merit a look, but only if you
    are willing to go to the two double stroller level.  i would not get
    one to push around the hood.  You could get the Baby Jogger or one of
    the others, along with a sit and stand and still come out pretty well,
    with a lot of flexibility.

    The sit and stands:
    Baby trend:
    - $89 with $0.97 shipping!  This is super cheap, but works great for
    in and out car trips, the doctors, running in stores that don't have
    carts.  You would have to try it to be sure, but I think it is
    compatable with a lot of infant seat, even if not "technically" so.

    The Joovy Sit and stand.  Takes the baby trend to the next level of
    quality, so it isn't quite so plastic crappy, but you pay, $140.  They also make an ultra
    light (Between $220 and $270), but being used to coping with a 23
    pound toddler and 50 pounds of pregnancy weight, I am in shape enough
    not to notice the small difference in weight (5 pounds).


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  • Hey, Patti.  Good to see you over here! 

    I have the Phil & Ted's and love it.  I wanted a tandem, but I did test-drive the Chicco side-by-side and liked it.  The Bob Revolution Duallie is awesome, but I didn't want to spend that much and it seems ginormous.

    I almost went with this one:  It gets good reviews and shipping would be free if you did Site-to-Store.

    Ultimately, I chose the P&T because after I test-drove it, I *had* to have it.  It turns on a dime, folds smaller than my Chicco Cortina and is super-versatile.  Plus, it's compact and I can navigate aisles with ease and with its air-filled tires, it gets around great outside, too.

    Kids Stuff Superstore has quite a few doubles in stock if you want to test-drive a couple to get a feel for what type would work best for you.  They have all three of the ones I mentioned.

  • I just got a Phil and Teds E3 doubles and I love it so far.  I couldn't afford the new Vibe or a new sport even, but I managed to find a used one on Craigslist for $175. I had to clean it up a bit and sew a hole in the fabric but now it looks brand new! 
  • LOVE LOVE LOVE my Bob Double.
  • what are you using it for?

    mall? zoo? walking? jogging?  

    How old are dc?  


    Pick your needs and wants, then your top picks and find them in store and test them opinion changed when I test drove 'em. They are too expensive to buy blindly imo.  We have the Phil & Ted Sport and it's perfect for us.  I walk a lot for fitness and to walk the dog.  I can push it one handed.  dc are nearly the same wt now so it doesn't matter who is in front vs back (dd, my #1, loves riding in the back) which is handy when we're at a place where dd would rather walk.  If she gets pooped she'll just climb in the back and sit for a bit.

    other's I liked Baby Jogger City (I walk a lot though, side by side, wide, but one of the most narrow side by side strollers, easy to use, smooth ride), Bumbleride Indie Twin (the fold was tough and bulky and heavy. the sales rep even suggested the P&T over it... but man it was a nice stroller other than that), Joovy Caboose (a friend loves hers, I just wanted something with two seats for our long hikes on the trails at the park)

    Some I didn't care for.... Maclaren (I'm going to get smashed for this but it was a PITA to figure out, we could never get it folded and unfolded on our own... and it wouldn't hold up for my daily walks), Chicco (side by side one, a woman in the library recommended it, again not for daily walks, may be okay for zoo trips and occasional mall trips) , There were two huge tandems a Graco and an Evenflo and neither seemed well buit and both were HUGE.  Insanely huge.. awkward to maneuver.

  • I'm another Phil&Ted fan!

    I love that it's no bigger than a single.  I don't feel like I'm huge walking through a small store or the aisles of a bookstore.

    I like that it's versatile and can be used as a single if I only have one with me.  It's never a waste.

    It's light and folds up small.

    I didn't like the front/back.  If I had twins, the allure of snapping the car seats in would have been nice, but I didn't have twins.  I didn't like the way it folded and it was heavy and I felt huge walking around with it.

    I didn't like the side/side because the weight difference made it awkward to steer.  Plus, if I was only out with 1, I'd have to switch out that one with my single.  Pain in the rear.

    I love the P&T.  Very happy with it.

  • LOVE my mountain Buggy Urban Double.  It is my everyday double, even though it's big.  It fits in my car and I hate using anything but this stoller.

    They are pricey, but I got the color I want brand new in the box on Ebay for  just under $500.  My girls are now 22mos and 3 years and they both still love being in it.  They usually don't want to walk they want to be in this stroller which is just fine by me!!

    The main drawback is that the canopy kinda sucks (it's small) but it hasn't been as big of a deal and I thought it may.

    Worth every freakin' penny!

  • imageDaisyAdair:

     Plus, if I was only out with 1, I'd have to switch out that one with my single.  Pain in the rear.

    I love the P&T.  Very happy with it.


    this is another BIG perk to the P&T... I never remember to switch out strollers. I don't know why I kept my peg perego single now.  Even when with just one child, I prefer using the P&T.  It moves so awesome. The first time we took it to Barnes & Nobles I was amazed how easy it was to get around.... and then in Gymboree!  I can get all the way into the back of the store with it!  I couldn't do that with the Peg P.  

     And in response to the person above. I walk for fitness (and have even done some very light jogging, it's not for hard core joggers though) just fine with it.  Dd is 36in tall and has no problems sitting in the back for long walks.  She loves it.  Now, if you're going shopping, you're not going to have much bag space with a longer child in the back seat.  But she likes to walk in the mall... not ride. That's where you have to figure out your wants vs your needs.  If there was one perfect stroller, there wouldn't be so many darn strollers on sale out there.  ; ) 


    good luck

  • imagejnicks19:

    LOVE my mountain Buggy Urban Double.  It is my everyday double, even though it's big.  It fits in my car and I hate using anything but this stoller.

    They are pricey, but I got the color I want brand new in the box on Ebay for  just under $500.  My girls are now 22mos and 3 years and they both still love being in it.  They usually don't want to walk they want to be in this stroller which is just fine by me!!

    The main drawback is that the canopy kinda sucks (it's small) but it hasn't been as big of a deal and I thought it may.

    Worth every freakin' penny!


    a friend has the single and the double and would buy no other brand. loves it.  


    tough decisions, huh?  and I'm not helping any.  Really , find them in store and play with them. 

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