our pedi recommended it but we never bought it.. I do a 1, 2, 3 strikes and your out approach with things anyway... so for standing in the tub, 3rd strike and you out of the tub... or sometimes time out. Time out worked really well for dd for a short time. Really discipline to fit the crime works best now (she's 3). So if she colors on the wall, I give her a rag and she wipes it up. I'll clean with her and we'll talk about how it's wrong. If she pushes her brother down, she has to help him up, say she's sorry, give him a kiss and then go sit in time out (b/c hitting/biting/shoving is an automatic time out). Really the only other time she goes to time out is when she's out of control fussy. I think time out is GREAT for that. If emotions are out of control you need time to get back in check. I do too.. that's really the only times she went to time out for a long time... redirection not working and I'm losing it... put her in her crib, and I walk away for a minute. cool down and by then she's fogotten about what she was doing and moves on to something else and all is fine (when she was ds age).
I like the book Making Children Mind Without Losing Yours. It does use Christian scripture as reference.. but if you're not Christian and can get past that part, the overall message is clear... discipline, not punishment. there are results to our actions that aren't always pleasant. So we need to think about others and ourselves before acting. You break a friend's toy, you have to use your piggie bank money to replace it. etc. He is pro spanking in certain situations, which not everyone will agree with. But I think with any parenting book, you take bits and pieces and form your own parenting style. That was the best piece of advise from a friend when I had my 1st baby. Read the books, fine... but none are the bible of parenting. Take what works for your dc and form your own parenting guide for that child.
Re: Anyone have the book 1-2-3 Magic?
our pedi recommended it but we never bought it.. I do a 1, 2, 3 strikes and your out approach with things anyway... so for standing in the tub, 3rd strike and you out of the tub... or sometimes time out. Time out worked really well for dd for a short time. Really discipline to fit the crime works best now (she's 3). So if she colors on the wall, I give her a rag and she wipes it up. I'll clean with her and we'll talk about how it's wrong. If she pushes her brother down, she has to help him up, say she's sorry, give him a kiss and then go sit in time out (b/c hitting/biting/shoving is an automatic time out). Really the only other time she goes to time out is when she's out of control fussy. I think time out is GREAT for that. If emotions are out of control you need time to get back in check. I do too.. that's really the only times she went to time out for a long time... redirection not working and I'm losing it... put her in her crib, and I walk away for a minute. cool down and by then she's fogotten about what she was doing and moves on to something else and all is fine (when she was ds age).
I like the book Making Children Mind Without Losing Yours. It does use Christian scripture as reference.. but if you're not Christian and can get past that part, the overall message is clear... discipline, not punishment. there are results to our actions that aren't always pleasant. So we need to think about others and ourselves before acting. You break a friend's toy, you have to use your piggie bank money to replace it. etc. He is pro spanking in certain situations, which not everyone will agree with. But I think with any parenting book, you take bits and pieces and form your own parenting style. That was the best piece of advise from a friend when I had my 1st baby. Read the books, fine... but none are the bible of parenting. Take what works for your dc and form your own parenting guide for that child.
good luck!