
experiences with reglan?

My son has a stomach emptying disorder that, combined with severe reflux, is causing him to gain weight very slowly.  His GI has been managing it with a high calorie formula mix, but we have not seen much improvememn if at all.  He is right at 14 lbs at 7 months.  We have to go back in 2 weeks to discuss starting Reglan.  The GI says it is safe for babies, but does have some negative side effects. 


I am reluctant to start the Reglan.  i took it when relactating and had awful side effects.  I know, though, it can be different in children.


If your DC was on Reglan, did he/she have any adverse side effects? 

Re: experiences with reglan?

  • My son is 14lbs and 7 months old with major reflux issues. He's 5 months adjusted, but it's still small, so I hear ya sister.

    He was on Reglan for about 2 months when he was admitted for failure to thrive awhile back. It did reduce the amount of vomit since it pushed food thru his belly quicker, but after awhile he became a very angry baby. He's known as super sweet and calm, and after awhile just lost all personality. It came back about 2 wks after stopping the drug. I didn't want him on it long term either...a bit too harsh of a drug for my taste, and not to mention it didn't help us a ton. My child has major vomiting/retching issues that we're just starting to regulate now while he grows out of this nasty condition.

    ?My blog states pretty much all the meds and procedures we've experienced thru all this.?

  • Carynne has been on it for about 2 months and she has done really well with it.  I haven't noticed any side effects from it, but I can definitely tell if she has missed a dose...she is on .6ml 4 times a day and weighs 10.10.
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  • you might want to post on the preemie board. ?there are a few girls there (mhop is one) who's children were on it. HTH
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