Does anyone have any suggestions for strollers that will allow me to take the baby to the beach? I would love to be able to walk each day there but haven't found a stroller that looks like it would work. TIA!!!
You will need air-filled tires, probably ones that are 16" tires (that you'll find with jogging strollers vs. "all terrain"). It depnds on where you live and the type of sand. Our beach has very soft, fine sand. I have a Phil & Teds stroller (12" air-filled tires) and it still SUCKS to push on the majority of the sand. It's fine by the water where the sand is packed, otherwise, it's pretty much torture. I have a jogger with 16" wheels too and it's good.
Re: strollers that work well on sand
You will need air-filled tires, probably ones that are 16" tires (that you'll find with jogging strollers vs. "all terrain"). It depnds on where you live and the type of sand. Our beach has very soft, fine sand. I have a Phil & Teds stroller (12" air-filled tires) and it still SUCKS to push on the majority of the sand. It's fine by the water where the sand is packed, otherwise, it's pretty much torture. I have a jogger with 16" wheels too and it's good.