1. Taylor thinks God has red hair like her.
2. Audrey checks every morning to see if "frosty" is still in our yard and she is very concerned with the way he's getting lumpy and slouching.....
3. Mitch loves to fake burp followed with the cutest "eww mee" (excuse me)....and I don't discourage it because it so stinking cute.
what are the funny things your kids are doing these days????
Re: Friday Funnies????
awe thats cute!!!
Jake says "Mommy Mommy Mommy Mommy!" when I leave the room, then when I come back he says "keess keess" and puckers up his lips. I love it and I can't walk away because it's too cute!
so cute!
J has discovered that Kate and I don't have penises. He wanted to know if ours broke off. So, now when I am changing his diaper, he reaches down to make sure his is still there and says, "Jefferson's penis no break."
hahahaaa!!! that's funny!
Oh how cute! Love your new sig pic.
B says "mama, I have a secret" I give her my ear and she says "I love you"
Those are too cute.
My current favorite is when Isabelle puts her finger up to her lip, looks up to the sky and says "HHmm. I think I have a new idea!"
Yesterday we were playing with blocks and I was praising Sophie for taking one block at a time off of the top. Then I praised Isabelle for her extra tall tower and she looked at me and said "Thank you Mama. Thank you for remembering me." Wow. Guilt already coming from a 26 months old.
Awwwww, these are so cute and sweet!! Brendan's new thing is that every morning when he wakes up, we've always done the "Good morning! Did you have good dreams?" thing, and NOW he's telling us every day, "Yes, Mommy (and/or Daddy), I dreamed about you, so it was a VERY good dream!".
LOVE that!!
She puts pants on her head and runs around yelling that she's "Super Bunny" (the legs are ears dontchya know). Her new favorite song is 99 Red Balloons. At the end when it slows down she says "the girl is tired from singing fast, she wants to sleep in her bed. The balloons flew away up in the sky!"
DS likes to point at you until you touch his finger with yours. Picture ET saying "ELLLLIOT" and you've got it. He started giving big open mouthed kisses.
We've been working with DD on PT'ing, and yesterday I had her in the bathroom with me while I was on the potty myself. When I started to pee she goes, "Yaaay, Momma! Good job!"