Luckily I haven't puked or anything like that. Pretty much anything I do is making me sick. I was on the GO train this morning and wow, I didn't want to be on there. I have been popping ginger candy just to get me through this morning. Hopefully today goes by very quickly.
Re: m/s has returned with full force
Have you tried soda crackers?
I also used Sea bands while I was in the 1st Trimester. I got them at Shoppers. They are bracelets with a little magnet that goes under your wrist, and touches a nerve that helps prevent sickness. That said, they worked most of the time, sometimes I was just super nauseous.
If it gets really bad, ask your doc for Diclectin.
I was the same way as you - really bad nausea but never threw up. Sometimes I would just pray to throw up to get some relief but it never happened. It used to last from the time I woke up till about 2-3pm. It sucked.
I like eating lemons, ice or mints to help with the m/s. Hope you feel better this afternoon!