

OMG could your girls look any more identical!?!?  They are so beautiful!
J1 1.19.07
J2 11.17.08


  • Aw,thanks! They really do look alike. Although Emi resembled my husband (slightly) and Gina is all me.

    Your girls are also beautiful! I love that pic together. Gina refuses to hold Emi:( 

    Hope you are all doing well!

    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
  • Thank you for the compliments - I'm loving the whole photo session from Bernadette!!

    I'm doing very well - I think I expected it to be alot worse going from one to two and have been pleasantly surprised... not that there aren't horrible days, but it's much better than I ever expected!

    J1 1.19.07
    J2 11.17.08
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  • I agree, overall the transition from 0-1 was *much* more difficult than 1-2. And Gina is getting better with her everyday.  I just wish I could get a good photo shoot of the two of them!
    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
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