

What happened to FFM?? (I am in Florida for a month + and have not been on I am clueless :-).

 Also, are you or your husband short? MH and I are both kind of tall. I keep hoping Ryan is going to have a growth spurt at some point but my pedi says he will always be small. I'm not sure I believe her though.

Re: **SummerbrideDC**

  • hey there, I was wondering where you've been!

    IDK, for some reason they won't let me post as FFM anymore. ?I can read posts, but when I try to respond or post something of my own, I get a "you are not allowed to post" page. ?Weird. ?Fortunately I remembered my SBDC log in. ?

    DH and I are both on the short side (he's 5'8'' and I'm 5'5''), but we're not freakishly short, kwim?! LOL

    I've talked to a lot of people who were tiny as little kids and are now 6' tall, so hopefully Ryan will pop up at some point. ?When i was a teacher, I had a freshman boy come in and couldn't be any taller than 5'. ?When he graduated 4 years later, I had to put my head almost all the way back to look at him! LOL ??





  • Ohhh......I love hearing those stories. Thank you for sharing. I don't want to believe my pedi when she says he is destined to be tiny. I'm mainly worried bc DH's mom and his aunts and uncles on that side are barely 5 ft tall. I'm cool with the tiny-ness now (I think it is adorable) but am a little worried about when he is a grown up..ya know!?
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