
So did all the Nestie toddlers get ...

together this week & decide to destroy us?! It sounds like I'm not the only one with 'challenges' this week?

Re: So did all the Nestie toddlers get ...

  • Yeah, my day was MUCH better than yesterday but of course it was, we didn't have a playdate to go to. She's just fine on her own.
  • It's been IRL too.  All of the kids at DD's art class yesterday were out of control.
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  • Yes, yesterday dd was super perfect.  Today>>>>>>>>>>>YIKES!
  • Yes, DD has been off the walls all week.  I think (hopefully) that she is just getting sick of being cooped up inside all winter.  She does have a major attitude all of a sudden though, and that is driving me CRAZY!
  • They are all on the toddler board on their iphones conspiring to take away our computers and make us let them watch Olivia.
  • Mine has been "challenging" for the last week or so.  Now DH is gone for the rest of the week and weekend snowmobiling, and she is a nightmare.  To add to it, if I don't give in to her, she screams and cries "I want my Daddy."  Fun stuff.  Funny thing is, if he was here and tried to comfort her, she'd be screaming, "I want my Mommy."
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • imageJOEBunny:
    They are all on the toddler board on their iphones conspiring to take away our computers and make us let them watch Olivia.


  • Yes, Lucas just demanded dinner.  And that his dinner be fruit snacks.

    He did not get them and has had a fit.


  • Cabin fever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Cheryl, Evan 4.25.05, Paige 7.2.07
  • Apparently.  Because I SERIOUSLY considered spanking my DS today.  More than once.  Thank God for naptime because I needed a serious break.  H even stopped by during the work day to have a "talk" with DS about being respectful and having "listening ears."

  • Today was the first time in I can't remember when that DS didn't get a timeout. We actually had a wonderful day.

    Last week, though --- ooooohhhh boooooy. I thought I was going to lose it at least once an hour. Plus  he wasn't sleeping. Or eating anything I put in front of him if it wasn't a cereal bar. Or listening to me at ALL. Yeah, that was a fun week.

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