
Need some serious tips on feeding solid! Please.

We started a week after they turned 4 months, the doc okayed it and we did the rice with formula and they did ok, but threw up that night. So we waited a week and next time was better, then tried Oatmeal much more to their liking.

We have done Bananas, Applesauce, Carrots, and Green Beans. I am for two solids a day. Usually for lunch, I do rice cereal with half a fruit mixed in for each, the past three days somehow I was able to do one then prop the bottle then the other, but today they were both screaming so I tried to feed one bite to one the switch and they kept putting their hands in it and screaming and I gave up and did the bottle. For dinner my hubby is here to help, but I am having a hard time feeding at same time. They are chewing their hands and making a awful mess. I been just using the boppies, I have the wooden Eddie Bower highchairs but they are so straight up and down I can't keep them both sat up straight by myself yet, they are still 3 months adjusted, they hold their heads up holding them but still slouch in the highchairs b/c they are straight up and down b/c they don't adjust.


What are some tips and how much do they REALLY need solids, is it bad I skip sometimes????

Here's some pics of my fun lol





Re: Need some serious tips on feeding solid! Please.

  • We had a rough start with the solids too - and I actually stopped for about 3 weeks and started up again at 6 months.  MUCH smoother then, although they still had the gag reflex for another month, and would throw up ALOT.  At this point, the solids are only for practice, and it would be ok to skip meals (this is what my dr. said) - my boys were only get one meal at that point.   If they're not sitting up well in the high chairs, you may want to try bouncy seats?  That may be easier.

    Anyway, it does get easier!!  They may just not be quite ready yet.

  • That makes me feel better I feel so guilty for giving up this morning but when darn banana cereals in on there hards and rubbing in their hair and they are screaming b/c I can't get it in fast enough I just broke down and say enough here's your bottle lol. They do well one on one attentions but in the day its super hard. They eat all their food when I am able to give them one on one time for solids, but that chance is far and few. I just didn't want to be starving them. Their cereal is the lunch b/c they sleep at 11 at night until 6 am and take a bottle go back to sleep til 11 then eat the cereal and the I skip the 2 solids and they eat at 5 or so with a veg and fruit.


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  • I was a little confused about the schedule you posted, but just wanted to say to be sure to give them all their bottles as usual and add any solids in after/between bottles. The solids are for fun, not food at that age - they shouldn't put off bottles or replace them.
  • Oh now I know that. They sleep midnight til 6 have a bottle and go back to sleep til 11. I give cereal mixed with fruit and then a full bottle right after, then they get a bottle every 2.5 -3 hours and then I try to fit in a half veg half fruit dinner before an evening bottle, then they get a bottle before bed. They still take about 6 5oz bottles a day, I just feed them the solids prior to the bottles and this morning they were ill and in grumpy moods and couldn't let me one at a time do the cereal or alternate, so I just gave up on the cereal and go the bottle they would have normally had after. That make better since??
  • Now I get your schedule. Mine would never have dealt with solids before a bottle at that early feed - if they haven't eaten since 6 they may just be too hungry to be interested in the solids. Maybe reverse and try the bottle first, then feed the solids around lunchtime instead.
  • I should try that. I had asked a friend and she said to solids before bottles, b/c my daughter is 8 I totally forgot. LOL Stick out tongue
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