
When to have family pics done?

We haven't done pro pics since Law was 6 months old.  I'd like to get some of our whole a "lifestyle" session...just us being us.  Would it be better to do some while Andersen is tiny at our home or should we wait until he's a bit older and do them outside?

Re: When to have family pics done?

  • I always pick outside (because we usually put the dogs in the picture, too) and we have some pretty amazing scenery in Boulder, CO.
    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
  • Yeah, Hiker....if I lived in CO, I'd always take them outside, too.  Somehow the Loess Hills just aren't all that magestic. :)
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  • I LOVE outdoor pics and the leaves change colors in the fall here so that is when I like to get them done. We have some awesome ones from this past fall. The trees were just beautiful.

    If I lived near a beach I would love to get pics done there I always love the family pics I see at the beach.

  • When DS was a newborn we did his pictures and then also did family shots in our home and outside in our yard. We plan on getting them again when he turns 1 y/o this sping and kind of making an annual thing out of it. Could you do something like that?
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  • Personally, I usually recommend waiting until a baby is about 6 months before doing family photos if you're not doing them too often.  By about 6mo, they look like themselves if that makes any sense.  Newborns look like newborns but by 6 months they tend to have a lot more characteristics and personality if that makes sense.  Either way, depending on your photog, I would recommend waiting and doing them outside somewhere like a park.
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