We haven't done pro pics since Law was 6 months old. I'd like to get some of our whole family...like a "lifestyle" session...just us being us. Would it be better to do some while Andersen is tiny at our home or should we wait until he's a bit older and do them outside?
Re: When to have family pics done?
I LOVE outdoor pics and the leaves change colors in the fall here so that is when I like to get them done. We have some awesome ones from this past fall. The trees were just beautiful.
If I lived near a beach I would love to get pics done there I always love the family pics I see at the beach.
Kelly Monaghan's 5K - 5/15/11 - 3rd Place in AG
Walk the Talk 5K - 5/18/11 - 31:12 PR
Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/14/12 - 1st race of the year, 32:45