I have mild preeclampsia and am set for an induction tomorrow am. With both DS and DD, I didn't have pre. and was able to go into labor on my own and do it completely naturally. I know it will def be harder to go natural while on pitocin. Anyone able to do it drug free?
Re: Come in if you had induction and went drug free
I had two pain med free inductions. ?My midwife says it helps to labor on the pitocin as long as possible before breaking the water. ?And that really made sense to me because once the water broke things got a lot more intense. ?Both inductions, just when things were getting to the point where I was thinking about pain meds, it was time to push anyway so I didn't need the pain meds. ?
The induction when I had pre-e was a bit harder because I had to stay in bed (for my blood pressure and because of the internal monitoring). ?But I could still change positions a little and DH could still rub my back and that helped a lot. ?
I didn't think it was any harder to go without the pain meds for my two inductions than it was for my first totally unmedicated birth. ?The inductions just went faster (7 hours instead of 12). ?
I did not go drug free.
I was induced both times due to size. Alexandra was 8 lbs, 14 oz on her edd. Taylor was 8 lbs, 2 oz and was 16 days early.
With Alex, they turned the epidural off when it was time to push because I couldn't feel my contractions. I deleivered 2.5 hours later and felt everything (my induction was 35 hours total).
With Taylor, I progressed from a 2 to a 10 in 20 minutes and the epidural never got a chance to work. It was also in the spinal column not the epidural space which resulted in headaches for 2 weeks.
I think with my record, next time I will just pass on the epi.
I did ask my ob about doing cervadil vs pit, but I'm already 5cms dialated and 50% effaced, and cerv is basically to start you dialating. So I need the pit.
Mine was drug free, but let me preface this by saying that my hospital didn't offer epi's, only cervical blocks, so I was in that mind set.
I was induced because my water broke on it's own & I didn't go into labor. Once I was on pictocin, they kept turning it up to get me into a pattern, but my body kicked in & they couldn't turn it down fast enough! It was hard, but I think I could do it again, without meds. I was able to get up & move around, which helped a TON!