
XP: NT scan...confused...

So, we are expecting twins in August, and we went in for our NT scan today.  One baby had a 1.8, but the other was measuring between 2.3 and 2.8.  The MD said that they are identical twins and should have the same genes, and in addition, the one with the larger NT was a few days ahead in development.  This guy was thinking out loud, telling me not to worry and then telling me why I might worry.  UGH.  Anyone else have something similar happen?  I am really scared and confused.  I called my OB, but they didn't have the report yet, and plus, the blood work won't be back until next week.

Re: XP: NT scan...confused...

  • I dont know about IDs because mine arnt but I was told you needed to be under 3 which both yours are and that the blood woork isnt acurate for twins and a lot of Drs dont do that part of the test. GL
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Both of those numbers are good so I wouldn't worry about the results. Also, my twins have always measured a few days apart in size. The doctor said that if they are identical the size difference can probably be attributed to how their umbilical cords are attached to their placentas. This is nothing to lose sleep over UNTIL it is actually a problem. So far, so good for me. Congrats on the good NT measurements!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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  • Thanks ladies-it is so hard not to worry.  The doctor was literally talking out of his butt, saying "this could be an issue, but not that...etc.".  I was so upset and confused-my OB nurse said she will call me to tell me what the report says, but it is so hard to wait.  I have an appt with my OB tomorrow and I hope to get some more information.  Thanks again.
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