
Story Hour

Does anyone take their child to story hour at a local library?  I just called our local library and they said that they don't let children attend story hour until they are 30 months.  Does this seem correct?

Re: Story Hour

  • I have taken DS in the past, but honestly he is just now at a point where it would be appropriate for him.  He's 28 months.  When he was younger, he could not sit still in a circle of kids just  listening to someone read a book up front where he could barely see the pictures.  I can see how they would want the kids to be older so that younger squirmers wouldn't disrupt the story and group.
  • Our library has a baby story hour specifically for 18 months and under I think it is, or maybe 24 months and under.  It's a bunch of short stories and songs and then some free play.
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  • Every library in our area runs their group differently.  We go to a toddler story time and we love it.  It is for kids birth to three.  She does 30 minutes of stories and songs.  Kids are encouraged to participate.  After the 30 min they bring out toys and snacks and there is an hour of free play.  It gives the kids a chance to interact with eachother and gives moms and dads a great chance to network.  I started taking DD #1 when she was 13 months and I wish I would have found it sooner.  My younger DD is 11 months and she loves it!
  • I took DD last week and she is 28mo. She did fine until the end. It's only a half hour and the lady is great to let the kids do whatever they want. There is no age limit there.
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