I haven't been on that much, so forgive me if we have already discussed this.
But oh my GAWD I think Tamara is the biggest Biotch! She just hates on Gretchen all of the time. And where is that woman's kids all day? She has a 2 year old and an older dd, but I have only seen them twice on the show. Who takes care of them all day?
I really feel sorry for Gretchen. It seems like she is really trying to have a good time to try and forget about what was going on with Jeff. It is really sad that he died right after they stopped filming the show. I wonder if she will be back next season.
Vicki is a *** too. Can she "throw Donn under the bus" more than she already does? She is always acting like she wears the pants in the family, then she complains about not having enough love in her "tank." I like her dd and Vicki needs to cut the cord so that girl can have her own life.
I think Jeana (sp) is my fav. She is probably the most down to earth of the bunch. I really hope she gets back in shape and finds a great guy to date. Allan seemed like a nice guy, but I didn't see any chemistry between them.
Lynne (aka Steven Tyler) is ok for the most part, but her kids drive me insane. At least her oldest does. Her whole 18th birthday party and car episode made me want to climb through the screen and smack her. She is such a snot. I'm glad Lynne took her car away for 3 weeks until she got a job.
Re: RHW of the OC... finale... spoilers
I think tammers is a hag. her son is rat faced, and she is not. that. hot.
gretchen I think is blah...I don;t think she loves jeff as much as she loves his status and cash...but, we love for different reasins, so whatever...
Vicky makes me uncomfortable, and I dont get why any of the other girls suffer her bs...annoying little truffle hunter...
Jeana seems sweet- I HATE her sons/ husband.
Lynne also seems nice, but her kids gross me out.
I liked making fun of that other lady last season...with the d bag boyfriend...she was kinda chubby...
It was weid that in a differant season Tamara said she wanted a pink Harley but I do think most girls that want a harley want a pink one (females like them), And the thing with the drink Vicki gets as well. But I dont think her being with Jeff was fake I do think she really did love him.
Tamara may not have wanted her kids on tv so maybe thats why they were never on it.
I was also wondering if Gretchen would be back next season to.
Vicki- I did not like her this season. And I thought it was wrong for her to do that to Don. I also think she needs to cut the cord on her kids and let them do what they want to do.
I also like Jeana. She did look like in this season smaller then other seasons. I hope she finds a guy aswell.
Lynne's daughters both seem like snots. But the older one throws alot of fits. I do think the one about the tanning booth waws dumb. Im also glad she took the car away but the youngest one wants a Range rover sp?
I cant wait to see the show next week and to hear what Tamara said to Gretchen.
I did not see anything wrong with Gretchen going to be with her family when Jeff was in the hospital. I felt that with her gone he could spend some time with his kids alone. I had major surgery a few years ago and still had dh go camping with our friends (it was a trip planned that I had to work anyways). He droped me off at my parents and my brother took care of me until my parents came home to help. And he had a great time for a week with friends.
Quin sp? was the only one that was on the show last night. All the rest came back for that party but her.