
Signs of Preterm Labor?

Hey ladies,

First, congrats on all of your beautiful little babies.  I thought this might be the best place to post this question.  I am pregnant with my second child and had to go in 2 weeks ago for cramping and contractions but they checked the cervix and it was nice and tight.  So, I was sent home, told to continue to drink a bunch of water and take it easy.  I have had cramping off and on until then but today I am having low back pain that comes and goes, cramping (but no hardening of the belly) and nausea.  Just wanted to know what your signs of preterm labor have been.  Thanks, trying not to worry and will put a call into the dr.'s office as a precaution but wanted to see what everyone else's experience has been.



Re: Signs of Preterm Labor?

  • My signs were a little different because I had an incompetent cervix.  I felt like I was all of a sudden really tired and I wanted to be off of my feet.  I ignored it at first because it was my first pg and I just thought it was normal.  Looking back. i'm pretty sure it was a warning sign.  I started bleeding the next morning and went to L&D to get checked.  I was dialated and spent 2 weeks on bedrest until my son was born. has a list of signs of preterm labor on their site.  It is always better to call than to wish you had.  Good Luck.
    Kelly, Mom to Noah 8.27.05 (born at 26 weeks)
  • I would definitely call your doctor. ?Everyone's symptoms are different, but for me, lower back pain was the first indication of my PTL. ?Better to be safe than sorry. ?Good luck!
    Claire Avery born at 32 weeks on 10/25/06 Keira Leigh born at 27 weeks on 4/29/08
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  • When I went into to PTL with this pregnancy. It started with lower back pain and when I went to L&D I was having lot of contractions and I am 1cm diliated. Thankfully they got the contractions to stop. I am now on meds and bedrest.
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  • My water broke in the middle of the night.  It was like the Hoover Dam opened up.  I did have some mucousy discharge.  When I asked the OB, he thought it was normal discharge but told me to get a sono the next day to check my cervix.  Never made it to the sono - water broke that night.  Once my water broke, it felt menstrual cramps and uncomfortable.

  • i went into PTL at 19 weeks and was crampy and uncomfortable. ?i'm glad you called the dr. and i hope it's nothing. ?i'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
  • Looking back I remember I felt like I was in a foggy state the day before my waterbroke.  I never had any cramping until an hour after the water broke at 8 months.
  • At 21 weeks I had cramping and my belly would get tight but I ignored it.  When I was 24 weeks, I had more cramping but it also hurt to sit down.  It literally felt like I was sitting on his head.  When to L&D and I was 3 cm dialated and 50% effaced due to incompetent cervix.  I ended up having him 10 days later.  I'm glad your being precautious but I would call the doctor.  From my experience, don't wait or ignore!
  • I know this doesn't help... but I had no idea I was in PTL.  I called the doc due to blood pressure issues and was told to come to L&D - not until then did I figure out that I had been contracting and was in PTL.

     Good Luck!!!

    1/8/12 Confection Shrug Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
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