
Tylenol does NOT cause an upset stomach, right?

Yesterday I had a mole removed from the back of my leg and the Dr. told me the only thing I can take for it is Tylenol.  So I took 2 Tylenol yesterday evening once the numbness wore off, but last night I had the worst pains in my stomach.  It got better when I took Tums.  That is most likely not from the Tylenol right?  My leg is killing me today, but I am afraid to take more Tylenol because I don't know what caused my stomach upset.  Perhaps it was my meatloaf?  LOL.


Re: Tylenol does NOT cause an upset stomach, right?

  • Just because meatloaf is my most detested meal, i'm going to blame it on that.  I really wouldn't think it would be the tylenol.

    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
  • I would guess it was the meatloaf. Depending on what you used for the bulk to hold it together, it can be difficult to digest meatloaf sometimes.
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  • Actually, Tylenol hurts my stomach but I am sensitive to pain medication (they all hurt my stomach).
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