When did your preemie start teething? What helped them through it? Tyler really doesn't like putting things in his mouth except for fingers and food. Is there a teether out there that you would recommend that worked for you?
Robbie started last week. I got a suggestion yesterday to use soothie pacifiers, fill the back w/water and freeze them. but robbie loves his paci, so I'm not sure what would work for a baby who doesn't.
DS started teething last month & now has 3 teeth coming through his gums. We have been very fortunate in that teething hasn't really phased him. I do offer a washcloth that has been partially frozen & teething rings, but he isn't too keen on them.
I'm not sure what they are called, but I used those little nets you can put fruit in and filled them with various frozen fruits or even ice cubes. ?Worked great for my oldest and I planning on trying the same when Keira starts teething,?
Claire Avery born at 32 weeks on 10/25/06
Keira Leigh born at 27 weeks on 4/29/08
Re: Preemie's and teething
My Blog
Ruby started teething at 5 months, but just started seeing any teeth about to come through. She hates teethers...
She does like to chew on cold cucumber slices?
Otherwise, we've given her motrin on really bad days...