Ok, since I was corrected by some nesties on my mis-judgement, I am gonna give my .02 on Eclaires and Minnas.
Many posts already got the point across, but I have to add my thoughts on these 2 girls.
Seriously - eclaires?? The one who put together nestieclaus?? I can not believe you would think that she is a spoiled housewife who only shops, etc. She is a freaking law degreed individual, and she is really smart and very funny. And she likes Twilight - enough said. She really knows what she is talking about too, very intelligent girl.
Minnas - Ok, she is like the NICEST person on here. She has a been dealt a really hard hand with losing both of her parents, but her outlook on life is remarkable. I don't think I have ever really seen her post about "spoiled housewife" type things? She is always just trying to help.
I am only posting this so you can learn some other things about these girls. I know it easy to just see some things, so I hope you can give them a fair shake.
Re: House is cleaned! Re:Mattslady's PABST
Now, now, don't lie. I only post about shopping and RPattz. LOL.
Thanks aggie.
Ditto on Beth and the nestie claus thing.
I have to say, knowing both of them IRL, that I feel very fortunate for having them both in my life. They are kind, genuine, real, and some of the best friends I have. FAR from spoiled, pouty, and silly.
a VERY smart woman
"swiffered" That just looks funny. My MIL says I'm spoiled because I have a swiffer. I just think she's jealous.
I agree, Aggie.
I am known to be a Nervous Nellie, Debbie Downer, etc. I have had a lot of issues in my personal life the past two years...
Minnas has been a wonderful supporter! She is always asking how I'm doing and giving me excellent advice.
Eclaires is always helpful without snark.
Nothing these two can ever do will make me frown upon them!