
4 lb rump roast...still frozen...HELP!

I have a 4 lb. rump roast in the crock pot for tonight's's on high & it's thawing, but DH is home & says he can only cut a 1/2" into it b/c the inside is frozen.

How in the hell can I defrost this?  I'm freaking out...dinner is at 6:30 and I'm worried even with it on high until then it won't be done.  (The recipe calls for low for 7 hours.)

Any ideas?

Re: 4 lb rump roast...still frozen...HELP!

  • Let it keep cooking, on high. ? And tell him to keep the lid shut!



    Who are you having over for dinner? ? ?You could always have J take it out and defrost it a bit in the microwave I guess...?

    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • Can you put it under warm water?  That thaws stuff out quicker. Also, after you thaw it out you could put it in the crockpot for a while, then finish it on the stove or oven. 
    Madelyn 3/1/07 image, Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • Loading the player...
  • I have a pork roast with sauerkraut in the crock pot today. ?:) ?Yummo. ? Tell J to keep the lid on it!
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • I cook frozen meat in the crock pot all the time. I set it on low and by the time I get home from work it's done. Usually it's on its way to being overdone!
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