Question. My hubby had 2 SA's and they both came back pretty awful. Low numbers and really bad morphology. He was sick with one of the tests, so that might've contributed to some low #'s, but these are super bad. We are jumping over IUI into IVF w/ ICSI. Our Dr recommended that we do a male Karyotype on my hubby to make sure that his genes are OK, and to determine whether or not we're to do PGD with our IVF with ICCI. We just got a call from our Dr's office that said Quest screwed up the test and can't get his white blood cells to grow. So they need to repeat the test. Nobody called me (from the lab or dr's office) saying that there was a problem. ARUGH!!!!!
Soooo now we have a choice, skip the karyotype and go to IVF or wait a cycle and repeat the test to determine what's what. What would you all do?
Re: To Karyotype or not to Karyotype?
Personally I would wait the cycle to repeat the test, if there is something up with his genes, I would want to know so we wouldn't waste all that time & $$$ on an IVF that may be destined to fail.
In my mind I would tell myself I have waited this long, I can wait another month.?
I would wait and cycle and have him retested.
IVF is too expensive to waste money on.