Ava did great last week for the first 5 days- peed and pooped on the potty--happy to sit on it, especially for m&m's! We even went out for 3 hours last week with no diaper, brought the ring and peed in Target, and she didn't have an accident.
However this weekend, and today--she doesn't want to sit on it anymore- she fights me on it. Clearly the novelty of the m&m's have worn off as she could care less about m&m's now. Every time I ask her to go pee- she says- No please, too hard. She hasn't pooped in days (not sure if this has to do with PT'g). There were times this weekend where I asked her to sit on the potty and she'd say no--then 30 second later pee in her underwear
I feel like we've hit a wall. I certainly don't want to make this into a power struggle b/c that is def. going to backfire. However, there are times when I know she has to go, but she'll refuse.....
Re: Did this happen when you were PT'G?