If you are bored check it out. The fact that she's not bfing is whatever to me - to each their own. But, from the sounds of it, if she wants a c-section she can have one. Anyone else have an OB that would give you a c-section for no medical reason??
Re: not bfing post on 3rd tri...
I read the 1st replies in that thread of that post - the poster at some point states she does not want to b-feed b/c she wants to be able to look her 18 yr old son in the face one day.
This blows me away - then I read the next reply, which was priceless -
"wow - you do realize the baby is going to come out of your vagina, right?" (paraphrase)
The whole post is very interesting. Not to mention her bio. I so don't want to judge, therefore I'm not jumping on the bandwagon over there.?
I really was just thrown that there are OBs out there that will do a c-section without medical reason.?
I try to remember that an un-spoken reason why people don't want to BF is because of a hx of sexual abuse.
I don't think that's what's going on here though. she just sounds weird.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
ok I just read her bio.
no comment.
Ditto that.
Imma be a maw maw, ya'll!!!
While I wouldn't want a c-section, I've met women who had one or two (or even 4) and said it was no big deal. As long as women are able to get abortions because its their body...then I think the same argument should hold true for elective c-sections.
meh...I don't really care if a person elects to have a c/s. My second c/s was an elective one. I had a less than perfect BF'ing experiece with J. None of the meds helped me enough produce milk, so I BF'ed every 2-3 hours for 6 months. This time, I have a great milk supply, but I am not really comfortable with BF'ing. But it has nothing to do with any creechy'ness about not being able to look my child in the face when they are older.
Am I going to be the only snarkybitch that brings up that she is 21 and her bio starts out with "Me and DH was at Wal Mart" and ends with the fact that they live with his mom?? LOVE IT. LOOOOOOVE IT. We haven't had good sh*t like this around here in a WHILE.
Haha- too funny.
Ok, fine. ?I was trying to resist, but now I have to go check this out.?
Cam, I was going to page you to see if you were in labor and here you are with a funny drama post!
I really hope that's MUD because someone like her shouldn't be having kids at this point in her development. It's just sad, that child has no chance.
HAven't read the post or her bio. Anyone who has that reason not to BF is not just insane but has some stupidity in the mix too.
FWIW yes of course there are Drs who will do elective c sections. Since the risk of a c section is very minimal there can be good social reasons for one (without medical reasons). Or it can just be a choice. I am not saying she's not nuts, she probably is, but there's nothing wrong with choosing a c section.
If you think you don't need a reason to have an abortion then you don't need a reason for a c section.
And for those who say "oh its soooo awful, I had one".. there are a ton of differences between an elective c section and an emergency one. I think you'll find 99% of those who hated their c section had an emergency one.?
Wow @ the bio. ?She's not terribly bright. ?
I hope she ends up over on Parenting; we need a bit of livening up. ?
The girl is a tad touched, to say the least.
As for elective c-sections, IMO, there is nothing wrong with them -- for anyone reason. I'm pro-choice when it comes to c-sections! HA!
Same goes for breastfeeding. If you don't want to BF, it shouldn't matter WHY you don't want to. There isn't a handbook that says "Well, if you don't because of XYZ, you are ok (by nest standards! HA!) but if you don't do it because of ABC, you are NOT ok. You are certifiably nuts and refuse to ever do what is in the best interest of your child!"
The extremists (on both sides) on this site keep me entertained daily!
I'm with jodi.
I had elective c-sections...woo hoo! I loved them.
Couldn't have said it better myself. To each their own!