
Gifts to older siblings from baby?

What should I get DD and DS from the baby? I want to have a small gift at the hospital for them when they come visit for the first time. When DS was born, DD got a book and CD of music to go w/ the book.

 For DD (almost 4), I'm thinking of getting her, her own sling or doll carrier of sorts, she's really into her babies right now.

DS is 2, I'm not sure what to get him. He loves firetrucks, tow trucks, Curious George (he picked out "My favorite Monkey" to bring the baby at the hospital).

 Any ideas? TIA!

Re: Gifts to older siblings from baby?

  • DD is getting a chocolate birthday cake when DS is born.  She is also getting a couple of Lil' Sprout cabbage patch dolls because that was what was on sale at Target for 75% off.  I am giving her friend who is getting a new brother on Monday the Candy Land Castle game. 
  • Maddie is getting a mermaid barbie and Ariel's New Beginning DVD....her latest obsession is the Little Mermaid.
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  • DD#1 got a baby doll & a book about being a big sister from her new baby sis at the hospital.  Stickers too.  I think anything that they are really into would be great- doesn't necessarily have to be baby or big sibling oriented...
  • i think it depends what your child is in to, a great gift is something you know they'll love.  Right now my ds is really into cooking so i would have his new sibling get him the jr. mix master so he can cook and bake with me more.  i am waiting to see what he's in to this summer to decide what dc#2 will give him.


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