
How to clean textured bathtub floors?

I've googled it but am not finding any info.

Our house was built in Sept, so everything is new. I clean our bathtub/showers with Scrubbing Bubbles and a sponge and sometimes a scrub brush but there are still spots developing in the textured (nonskid) floor where we stand. I know it's just oils or whatever in our feet, since we always wear socks.

Our house manual says not to use Comet, etc., or to use really abrasive brushes. But what else can I use to clean these textured floors?


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Re: How to clean textured bathtub floors?

  • That happened in my last house, but not my new house.  Does the bathtub drain well?  I just use vinegar and water to clean our new tub, but the old tub didn't drain as well and we the nonskid stuff changed colors on us. 
  • Yes, there's never any standing water unless DD is taking a bath, and they're short.

    I'll try vinegar - thanks!

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  • This happens in our tub too.  I usually use a Mr. Clean scrubbing sponge.  It takes a lot of scrubbing though.
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  • Kaboom always works well for me.  In our old house, our shower floor was hard to get clean and Kaboom always worked.  hth!
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