
Please Help...DD soooo jealous of baby, hates mommy!

DD is 26 months, and new baby is 12 weeks...dd is SO jealous of the baby, that dh literally cannot hold her.  She is very attached to her daddy, and throws a fit if he hold the baby.  It has turned into tantrums in the middle of the nite. Well, one is going on now, and i went up to see if dh and her were ok .. and she's saying "i don't like mommy..."  i feel awful! help!  is there an end to this???

Re: Please Help...DD soooo jealous of baby, hates mommy!

  • That must break your heart.  The baby is only 12 wks so maybe dd will come around.  Can you spend one on one time with her at all maybe reading a story or playing with her?  I'm sure you've tried to do various things.  I'm sure it is hard.  Maybe she'll come around.
  • DD was 14 months when DS was born so jealously wasn't as much of an issue but we did some things that seemed to help.  We didn't alter her routine at all.  If DD and DS were crying I would help DD first.  If DD wanted me I gave DS to someone else to hold.  We encourage her to share and love her brother but if she wants to leave him alone that is fine.  DS doesn't know any better and DD is happier when we do these things.  She will come along.  The first few months are the hardest.
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  • she is on hour 2 of this tantrum...dh is in there w/'s awful!  it's a ton of aggression coming out .. we just feel awful. THEN, i feel even more awful that my new dd isnt getting the attention from daddy right now.  Did anyone ever say 2 was easy??
  • I has a similar experience when ds was born. ?My dd was 3 and she was great with ds but 'hated' me. ?I made sure that her and I kept doing things together just the two of us and still had our special times together. I also tried to get her involved with the baby as much as I could... had her help me with diaper changes, getting bottles etc. ?I also got her a doll and accessories so that she could tend to her 'baby' while I took care of ds. It took a bit ( a couple of months) but it did get better. ?She grew closer to daddy in that time and still is closer to him now than she was pre-ds.



    Hang in there:)?

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