DD is 26 months, and new baby is 12 weeks...dd is SO jealous of the baby, that dh literally cannot hold her. She is very attached to her daddy, and throws a fit if he hold the baby. It has turned into tantrums in the middle of the nite. Well, one is going on now, and i went up to see if dh and her were ok .. and she's saying "i don't like mommy..." i feel awful! help! is there an end to this???
Re: Please Help...DD soooo jealous of baby, hates mommy!
I has a similar experience when ds was born. ?My dd was 3 and she was great with ds but 'hated' me. ?I made sure that her and I kept doing things together just the two of us and still had our special times together. I also tried to get her involved with the baby as much as I could... had her help me with diaper changes, getting bottles etc. ?I also got her a doll and accessories so that she could tend to her 'baby' while I took care of ds. It took a bit ( a couple of months) but it did get better. ?She grew closer to daddy in that time and still is closer to him now than she was pre-ds.
Hang in there:)?