My pump attacked me yesterday. I was doing my afternoon pump and I noticed that it was pulling a little harder than normal. I didn't think anything at the time - I guess I like it rough.
Anyways, I jumped almost to the ceiling during my last pumping session. OMG! I've never hurt like that from pumping before and I've been EPing for over 9 mos. My right nip is seriously bruised I think. I got out my bigger horns and kind of made it through that session.
This morning was a little better but I had to put a band-aid on my nipple for a little extra padding. I have to pump in about 30 min and I'm scared.
Re: I have a band-aid on my nipple...
When that would happen to me I found that breathing through it helped. Honestly, there isn't anything else to do! You have to pump or you have worse pain from engorgement!
UGH! That is something I DON'T miss.
I hope you feel better soon, and it isn't tooo painful!
yet another reason why i could not hurt every single time!
Klyn & BabyD - I'm sorry that you're in the same boat as me!! ouch.