I mean getting them ready for the day like diaper changing and getting them dressed? My husband is pissing me off I know he didnt have to do it when I was a sahm because it was my "job" but I need to get ready to. I take my showers at night and god forbid he does that to so he can help me out. Grrr we had words about it this morning
Re: WOHM do your husbands help with the kids in the morning?
My husband is gone before we even wake for the morning so thats a big NO.
He helps (sometimes) in the evenings though, with homework help, dinner and bed time stories.
Honestly, DH was MUCH better about it when DS was younger than he is now. Why, I have no idea. I've always worked, so it's not a matter of he was used to me doing it. Yesterday, I had a fever and didn't feel good so he got up with DS, but fell back asleep on the couch. I could hear him snoring on the couch, so I finally got up at 8. Ugh... This morning, I'm still sick but feeling MUCH better and I got up with DS and am doing better with him than DH did yesterday. LOL
ETA: This is on the days we're both off... I didn't realize you were talking on the days you work. In that case, we're very lucky in that my FIL comes over and stays with DS until he wakes up. DH and I both leave long before DS ever thinks about waking up.
Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
Liam is 5!
Yes, after I told him MANY times...
Our routine-- I get up and get in the shower, (he showers at night) he gets up as soon as he hears me turn the water off. He gets Jake out of bed gets his milk and pancake and puts him on the couch to watch spongebob, then lets the dog out. Then he goes and gets ready for work and leave about 10min after I'm out of the shower... After I'm out of the shower, I'm mad dashing around to get dressed, do my hair, change Jake's diaper, get him dressed and shoes on, let the dog in, pin her up, and grab everything to go to the car-including Jake and leave.
I'm exhausted by 7:10am.
He does drop her at daycare on the way to work. (I pick up)
That's it though. I get up 1/2 to an hour before them to make coffee and take a shower. Then I get DD up, get her dressed/fed/entertained while I iron for H and I, and we all leave at the same time.